Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Holly's Got Talent

So I have a new found talent of getting locked inside of things. Mainly bathroom stalls (at West Point) and. . . my apartment! Tonight my cousin/roommate MeLisa and I were leaving to go get dinner from the awesome boys in our dinner group, when we discovered our front door wouldn't open. We could turn the little knob, but it wouldn't unlock our door!! We tried, and tried, and tried again. Our roommate Katie tried. And tried. Finally, we got the bright idea of calling our manager to see if he could bring a key up and unlock the door from outside. He didn't pick up. At this point, I was kind of starving out of my mind. We clearly had no other choice then to go out of our front window. And that is exactly what we did, pulled out the screen and hopped down. If you are wondering, unlocking the door with a key from the outside did not work. We tried it. Since MeL and I were leaving, and Katie had to go somewhere soon, we decided we'd just have to leave our window open a crack (so we could climb back in later) and trust that nobody would notice and get evil ideas. Luckily, we live on the third floor. And we live in Provo. Just because I live in Provo though, that does NOT mean I trust everyone! I still don't like walking around here alone at night. Tonight was the first night I ever actually spent in the library. I was not at all excited to walk home by myself at midnight. I guess I just value my life and prefer not to get kidnapped by some wacko.