Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Wedding

A few weeks ago, my cousin Geoff married his wonderful fiancee KayLee. It was the first time I have ever been in Utah for one of my cousins weddings so it was super exciting for me :)
 While Geoff and KayLee were getting married, MeLisa, Elise, and I watched our cute baby cousin!
 Beautiful Elise!! 
 Cutest child ever! 
 Outside the temple with my grandpa. I love him!
 The bride and groom :)
The Salt Lake City Temple

Cinco De Mayo Festivities


 Our awesome Pinata! 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Search, Ponder, and Prey

These are my friends Geoff, Dallin, and Liz in our ward talent show!


As always, moving totally stinks!!!!! But I keep telling myself that the move was worth it because now we have 2 bathrooms for 3 girls instead of 1 bathroom for 4 girls.

It was super sad packing up my old room but my new room is all unpacked and organized now, thank goodness! Luckily, MeLisa and I didn't need to move all of this by ourselves. Rex, Ben, and Liz's friend Graham came by and helped.

End of Winter Semester 2012

Winter semester just flew by! I can't believe it is already over. I am glad though, because it was definitely tough.  Insanely tough. Somehow though, I managed to get wayyyyyyy better grades than last semester. Thank goodness! I don't ever want a repeat of fall semester's grades. Ever.

Here are a TON of pictures showing some of the fun things I've done lately.

 I saw my friend Sam for the first time in several years when she was out here visiting her grandparents. Rex, Sam, and I all hiked to the Y! It was so much fun. 
 Our cousin Geoff is getting married so MeL and I went down to Price for his fiance's bridal shower.
 MeL's older brother asked me to throw a surprise half-birthday party for her. This was one of the decorations. Happy birthday MELFACE!
 One night, MeLisa and I went to Walmart and bought some pots and flowers. We did a stinking awesome job painting the pots (and our faces--although that was mostly MeLisa and Todd painting the faces). We also bought some fish that night, pictures to come later. 
 I went to my first Jazz game since elementary school. I had a lot of fun with my brothers. Thanks to my awesome cousin Skyler who got the tickets for us! 
 I helped throw a surprise birthday party for my roommate Liz. That was crazyyy stressful cause the darn girl decided to go take a final exam on her birthday evening! I could not convince her to wait to take the test until the next day, so we had to push the party back 2 hours. Luckily, she got home right on time! This is the cake I made for her. What's his name?? KUZCOOOOOO (I LOVE The Emperor's New Groove).
For my Art for Elementary Teachers Class (best.class.ever) we made collages of animals. This is my creepy eyeless owl. 
 For the same class, MeLisa and I had to bring in a treat for the class that went along with the definition of art: It's art because I like it. 
Everyone likes their phones, that is why we made our treat to be like an Iphone. 
 MeLisa and I went to the Festival of Colors!! 
 I saw cousin Elise off to prom. She's so beautiful!
 For the ward talent show, my friends Geoff, Dallin, and Liz sang a song called "Search, Ponder, and Prey." It was pretty funny and involved this fetus shirt. 
 Rex and Skittles the snake

My Birthday

This is super late, but back in March I had my 21st birthday. It was my first birthday away from home, which made me a little bit sad. However, my family out here definitely made my day great!
My awesome cousin and brother pretty much made my night with a surprise birthday party.  Rex took me out to get ice cream while everyone met at my apartment. When I got back, the lights were all of at the apartment, and I must confess I was a little suspicious. Unfortunately, to get to the light in our apartment, you have to walk across the living room in the dark. So I couldn't just turn on the light immediately. As I stepped nervously into the room, I was attacked by my friend Pappy who "murdered" me (aka he sliced my neck the way we do when I play murder in the dark. I am well known in my ward as being one of those people who always gets the murder card, so I've made a lot of "enemies" that way).

 MeLisa made me the best cake I have ever seen in my entire life. After all, what could be better than Harry Potter and The Hunger Games? Nothing, that's what. The cake wasn't a surprise, I did see it before the party, but it was still awesome. I loved it so much that I may have almost cried when I saw it.
Notice the Harry Potter shirt :)

General Conference

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend General Conference up in Salt Lake City. I was super excited to actually be there in person instead of watching our church leaders on a TV. It was wonderful! I am so grateful for the prophet Thomas S. Monson and everyone else who spoke as well.  

 Rex, Danny, Ben, and I in front of the SLC temple! We were so excited that Danny flew out from Maryland to see conference!
 My mom's friend Suzanne let us stay at her house. It was so nice of her!
I got to see my friend Ben for the first time in a while :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I think I have a new favorite sport. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Recipe For a Fun Night

1. Darth Vader Mask
2. Light Saber that lights up and makes noise+batteries
3. Lots of fun friends

Put all of the ingredients in the same room and see what happens!

Once Upon A Time...

There were 5 girls who were wonderful friends. One day, one of the girls got an account on Of course all of the boys on ldssingles fell madly in love with her because, lets face it, she is smokin' hot and super awesome and adventurous and fun. Anywho, her four friends had to sort through the masses of boys until they found one they felt she could go on a date with. She gave the boy her number and they arranged to have a lovely date with delicious ice cream the following Monday. Naturally, her friends were a little hesitant to let this go down. Sure the boy looked good in his profile, and of course (being the expert stalkers that they are) they had found his facebook and that looked pretty good too. But you just never can be too careful with people you meet online, not matter how thorough your background check is! Being the good friends that they are, they decided that they would conveniently happen to be having a "roommate date" at the very same place and very same time that their bff was having her date! They had to make sure he wasn't a complete creeper! It was quite possibly one of the best nights of their lives. The end.

The Past Few Months

The past few months I've been too busy having tons of fun (and doing tons of homework) to think about blogging. Here is what I've been up to!

I met the newest addition to the King family when I went home for Christmas break!

I had a gingerbread house making party, also when I was home. 

I spent time with family. I visited my grandparents for a weekend. It was lovely and relaxing. This picture though is from when grandma and grandpa took a few of us cousins out to lunch in Provo. 

My cousin MeL and I made an amazing cake for our friend. She is leaving today to have surgery, so we felt that an Operation cake was fitting! Operation: Fix Beth! 
Also in the past few months, I saw my first BYU hockey, volleyball, and basketball games and have been to two women's gymnastics meets. I learned how to play Mao, made up the game nerf assault with my friends (nerf war meets capture the flag), and killed probably at least 20 people in murder in the dark ( I have played croquet in the snow and gone midnight sledding. I have eaten wayyyy too many cookies, but I have also started running again and sometimes I even go to the BYU women's gym (holy cow I love that place). I have goofed off a ton and stayed up way too late. And in between all of this stuff: homework. Lots of it.