Monday, February 17, 2014

Goals February 17-23, 2014

Note: No goals were made from February 10-16 because I taught Relief Society on February 9 and so I didn't write any goals down during relief society like I normally do. Then, I forgot to write them down later. But, I know what I've been working on in general, so I can still report.
  • I went swimming (1000) once and did a core workout with Amy once and just situps once by myself
  • Food for this week was stir fry. I made it on Monday I think
  • Read my scriptures daily
  • Did not read anything for fun
  • I didn't really record my spending
Luckily, this week I was at Grandma's house on Sunday and instead of Relief Society and Sunday School I got to go to primary with Grandma. It was totally awesome :)
 I had plenty of time to make my goals for the week.

1. Exercise
  • Reggie is on the intramural inner tube water polo team and he added me to it last week because his team is always late and I always am on time and there to watch. There is a game tomorrow, so I need to read the rules and figure out the time of the game. 
  • Do a core workout with Amy once
  • Swim laps on Wednesday (1000)
2. Reorganize my meal plan--this week was originally tacos, but change it to grandma's leftovers and put tacos at next week instead. Start to plan grocery list for March. Pay Amy $3.00 for buying you milk.

3. Read my scriptures daily and write in my scripture journal.

4. Read The Hobbit for 15 minutes and check out the book that comes after Divergent from the library.

5. Record all $ things from last week (paying Reggie and Hobby Lobby stuff), get $7 from Reggie, figure out how to get reimbursed for stuff I bought for the Humanitarian Committee, figure out how much to pay Annie in gas money, and pay Amy $3 for the milk she bough me.

1. Completed, and I actually swam 1,150 instead of 1000
2. I actually did make tacos halfway through the week though. And I decided to push back March planning until this week.
3. Read, didn't write. That's hard for some reason (for me).
4. Read The Hobbit, I have less than 60 pages left. And I put Insurgent on hold at the library.
5. Still need to get $ from Reggie, and get reimbursed (I picked up the form for it).

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Now I'm a Believer!

A believer in Bigfoot that is.

I'm a Believer (Sasquatch Edition) By Squatch Mouth

Check out this awesome music video from my brother!

Goals--February 3-9, 2014

1. Run once, do sit-ups once, check on the hours for the RB pool. Swim on Wednesday with Amy.
2. Make Chinese Chicken Salad on Sunday to eat during the week.
3. Read my scriptures daily and write in my scripture journal.
4. Read The Hobbit for 15 minutes.
5. Record spending.

1. RB hours--7-10 pm on weeknights. I ran once, went swimming (1000) and did sit-ups. Woo!
2. DONE!!
3. Gah! I did read, just never wrote!
4. Sadly, did not happen again. Ugh.
5. Still need to record the t-shirt I bought and the markers/paper for my calling.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Goals-- January 27-February 2

1. Run twice. Look up open hours for the RB swimming pool. Do sit-ups.
2. Cook my frozen mixed vegetables this week.
3. Read scriptures daily and write in my journal once.
4. Read The Hobbit for 15 minutes.
5. Make a list and go grocery shopping for February! Record spending.

1. Did not happen. At all.
2. Mission accomplished!
3. Read but didn't write.
4. Nope :(
5. Yes!!