Here are a TON of pictures showing some of the fun things I've done lately.
I saw my friend Sam for the first time in several years when she was out here visiting her grandparents. Rex, Sam, and I all hiked to the Y! It was so much fun.
Our cousin Geoff is getting married so MeL and I went down to Price for his fiance's bridal shower.
MeL's older brother asked me to throw a surprise half-birthday party for her. This was one of the decorations. Happy birthday MELFACE!
One night, MeLisa and I went to Walmart and bought some pots and flowers. We did a stinking awesome job painting the pots (and our faces--although that was mostly MeLisa and Todd painting the faces). We also bought some fish that night, pictures to come later.
I went to my first Jazz game since elementary school. I had a lot of fun with my brothers. Thanks to my awesome cousin Skyler who got the tickets for us!
I helped throw a surprise birthday party for my roommate Liz. That was crazyyy stressful cause the darn girl decided to go take a final exam on her birthday evening! I could not convince her to wait to take the test until the next day, so we had to push the party back 2 hours. Luckily, she got home right on time! This is the cake I made for her. What's his name?? KUZCOOOOOO (I LOVE The Emperor's New Groove).
For my Art for Elementary Teachers Class (best.class.ever) we made collages of animals. This is my creepy eyeless owl.
For the same class, MeLisa and I had to bring in a treat for the class that went along with the definition of art: It's art because I like it.
Everyone likes their phones, that is why we made our treat to be like an Iphone.
MeLisa and I went to the Festival of Colors!!
I saw cousin Elise off to prom. She's so beautiful!
For the ward talent show, my friends Geoff, Dallin, and Liz sang a song called "Search, Ponder, and Prey." It was pretty funny and involved this fetus shirt.
Rex and Skittles the snake
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